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oakland raiders artinya

contoh kalimat "oakland raiders"
  • oakland raiders
  • The first was Super Bowl XI in January 1977, when the Oakland Raiders beat the Minnesota Vikings 32–14.
    Yang pertama adalah pada tahun 1977, Super Bowl XI ketika Oakland Raiders mengalahkan Minnesota Vikings 32–14.
  • The first NFL game was due to be Oakland Raiders against Seattle Seahawks on 14 October 2018 but this too was relocated to Wembley following the stadium delay.
    Pertandingan NFL pertama adalah Oakland Raiders melawan Seattle Seahawks pada 14 Oktober 2018 tetapi ini juga dipindahkan ke Wembley setelah penundaan stadion.
  • For example, in the 2014 draft, the Jacksonville Jaguars, Cleveland Browns, Oakland Raiders, Atlanta Falcons, and Tampa Bay Buccaneers all finished 4–12, and selected in that order in the first round (based on the tiebreakers described above).
    Misalnya, dalam rapbn 2014, Jacksonville Jaguars, Cleveland Browns, Oakland Raiders, Atlanta Falcons, dan Tampa Bay Buccaneers semua selesai 4-12, dan dipilih dalam urutan itu di putaran pertama (berdasarkan tiebreakers dijelaskan di atas).
  • The name developed by the American video game company Electronic Arts, John Madden pays homage to, Hall of Fame, Super Bowl winner as coach of the Oakland Raiders in 1977, and certainly, one of the best analysts NFL games,
    Nama dikembangkan oleh perusahaan Amerika video game Electronic Arts, John Madden membayar penghormatan kepada, Hall of Fame, Pemenang Super Bowl sebagai pelatih Oakland Raiders di 1977, dan tentu, salah satu analis terbaik NFL game,